Happy Birthday, IKEA!

The other day my friend Jules from The Bergham Chronicles posted this to my Facebook wall. Immediately I thought we should do better than that and bake an actual cake for IKEA!

I have mentioned IKEA before. We don't buy a lot of actual furniture, but we like to have lunch and to people watch there.

I was lucky enough to grow up when IKEA already had its first store in Switzerland. 

So my cake represents my probably earliest memory at all! 



The sliding into the ball pit cake!

Complete with our LEGO man who got a job as a furniture carpenter

And Swedish Shopping @ IKEA Barbie

For the full tutorial and bake fail episodes, please go to the back story!

Here are the links to my friends' posts. I am setting up a linky-tool, too if you want to join later, please link up!
