Today’s post is January’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write 5 captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture. Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they’ve come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.
Here’s today’s picture. It was submitted by Baking In A Tornado:
- When you said you were buried I thought you had homework to do!
- Wasn't the whole "if I can't see you - you can't see me" mystery solved when you were 3 years old?
- Have you seen my car keys? - This one is for you, Karen :-)
- What would you like for dinner? (No answer, wow, he's really asleep)
- You don't mind if I switch off the TV, do you?
Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:

Stacy Sews and Schools
The Bergham’s Life Chronicles
Follow me home
Baking In A Tornado
Someone Else’s Genius
Confessions of a part-time working mom
The Momisodes
Sanity waiting to happen
Spatulas on Parade
Juicebox Confession
Cluttered Genius
Eileen’s Perpetually Busy
So if you read this at 12 noon EST or later, I'll be at our Office Christmas Party.
No Mongolian BBQ this time. We're going to Andy's Place tonight.
And I am going, too, yay! Earlier today I thought I'd have to cancel.
My poor mom who was supposed to babysit has been feeling unwell these past days. Of course this morning she woke up having a full fledged flu.
"Couldn't you ask Eric's family?" She suggested. In theory a great idea. In reality Eric's family (=Colin's best friend) is skiing in the mountains this week. Same goes for our neighbors.
Damn! If one time I need a babysitter and my mom is not on vacation or hired to take pictures at a wedding, she is sick.
Should I ask Bettina, a student, whose parents are friends with my mom? She's always busy, and she's never been to our house. I think the last time Colin saw her was a long time ago, he might not even remember her.
I called our daycare and asked for Manuela, a girl who helped me out in 2013 when I was in a similar situation.
"I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't tonight. My mom is going on vacation, and she has invited to whole family for dinner."
Can you believe lovely Manuela suggested she'd pass up on the dinner and join her family for dessert if I made it back by 10pm?
I talked to Colin on the phone. I felt so guilty. Like shipping him off from one person to the next so I could go out. I know that he doesnt't like my going out at all, and I really don't go often, 2 - 3 times a year, but still.
The half hour he's already tucked in bed and wants one more hug and urgently has tell me something that happenend last month, or the month before, is the most important and precious time of the day.
He took it easy. "That's fine" he said.
He rocks!
Isn't he just a sweetheart?
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