My Birthday

So I was reading this and feeling hopeful that my birthday might be sunny and warm, with birds chirping and flowers blooming:

Guess what, mother nature didn't think so. You can't see it well, but it wasn't only snow, there were some hailstones, too!

Well, I had to go to work anyway, and it was gonna be a regular day:

For Colin it was actually an exceptional day. They had a day off from school, and his daycare ladies had the nice idea to take the kids to the science museum. I picked him up at the train station. The kiddos arrived in the same train as the business people, it was a super cute sight!

(No pictures, it was pouring down really hard, and people were hurrying and shoving)

We made it to the ice rink with a few minutes to spare, and the guys were happy to pose for me:

From left: Colin, Dario, his chatty buddy, Yanis, his co-player, and Luka, the guy who was sick before Christmas.

It was a good thing I texted my husband to let him know that Colin and I were going to be home a bit later as I was going to take him to McD after hockey practice.

Because five minutes later he showed up at the arena to surprise me!!

Unfortunately after this last practice of the season C wasn't among the ones who got picked for the kids league. He was pretty bummed.

We decided that McD was indeed the quickest, but definitely not the nicest place to grab a bite to eat on my birthday. Plus to h*** with school night. 

So we ended up at HAN which is the competitor of the Mongolian BBQ Place  where we had our Christmas Dinner two years ago. 

The one we went to last night is located right next to the Ferrari dealership where we had to park when the circus was in town last season. 

C was fascinated by the cocktail menu. He read it to us: Caribbean Breeze, Tequila Sunrise, Screw Driver, Sex on the Beach,...

Today, the day after our actual birthday I was collecting my birthday wish and visited Grandma. She wasn't doing too well. For the first time she didn't remember that it was my birthday, too. She said "It's time. I made it till my birthday, it should be over."

I guess if you have a great-grandson this cute, it's not time just yet?

While he was doing his homework...

She got a surprise from the mayor's office!

He wheeled her back to her fellow inmates, and we said goodbye, till next time.
