20 Days of Chill - Sydney

Day 20/20 of A 'lil HooHaa's 20 Days of Chill!

Today's prompt is 


Café Sydney, on the last day of their honeymoon. 

Linda and Jason couldn't believe they needed to go back home to Zurich the next day. 

They had spent a whole month exploring gorgeous spots Australia has to offer: Darwin, Cairns, the Red Center, Brisbane and finally Sydney. They went from (sub)tropical to desert and from grassland to temperate climate. 

Kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, crocodiles, dolphins and lots of pretty birds... not to mention annoying flies - they met them all. 

The most amazing species though were the people! The newlyweds had heard about the Australians' reputation of being laid back and friendly, but there's nothing like to experience it first-hand!

From their travels to the U.S. Linda and Jason were used to behave very formally and inconspicuously at immigration, and even though it was 4am when they landed in Darwin, and they were beyond tired, they remembered to play by the rules as they were standing in line to enter the country. 

Everything went well. No interrogation, just a quick punch of the passports and they were officially in Down Under!

"First time here?" the customs officer asked. "Be careful, don't drink the water!" he advised Jason. He was confused. Nobody had ever mentioned anything about the water not being OK in Australia. Was it unsanitary?

"Water is fine for taking a shower" the officer smirked, "otherwise drink beer, mate! Enjoy your stay!"

Hahahaha! What a glorious start of their journey!

As they were enjoying their last dinner at Sydney's Circular Quay they recounted the mind blowing nature, adventures and encounters.

"Remember when we though Marlborough was gonna be a major city?" 
On the map it was written in bold letters, but when they finally arrived it was basically a gas station and a handful of residential houses. 

"Ha, or Phil, the hotel concierge who outed us as Swiss people because he noticed how we were pacing up and down waiting for the tour bus that was late to pick us up!"

Big John, one of the tour guides who took them to see dolphins, had been cracking jokes all day long. As they approached the seafood restaurant he had been announcing, they were almost hit by a clearly confused elderly lady in a blue pick-up truck. 

"Bertie, I think it's best if you turn around and carefully manoeuvre through those dangerous roads in order to get back to your nuthouse" he told her. Wow, he must really know his way around those tourist spots, he even knew the citizens by name! 

As it turned out later he had never seen this lady before!

"The most amazing part of our trip is the fact that we're here together" Linda said. 
"If somebody had told me when I left Switzerland for California that the two of us were going to get married one day I would have put them off!"

"Yeah, well, I didn't exactly plan on falling in love with a girl who made it clear she wants to have babies" Jason sighted. "And yet, here we are, and I can't wait to take more trips with you and see where the journey of life will lead us."

It's only fitting that yesterday - January 26 - Australia was celebrating its national holiday!

Thank you so much for bearing with me through 20 Days of Chill. It's been chilling! Don't be a stranger, check back on my blog and see what I have been up to!

Before you go on about your day, please head over to check out my fellow writer's Sydney stories.

If you'd like to participate in a writing challenge, check out the following and let me know, I'll be happy to put you in touch:

Photo Blog Challenge post goes live Jan 31st
Top Ten Thursday next one due Feb 2nd
Secret Subject Swap Feb 3rd
Use Your Words Feb 10
A-Z Blogging Challenge I guess it's gonna start on April 3rd
Progressive Stories currently no new plans as we just finished this one
