Top Ten Thursday - December Photo Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to Top Ten Thursday!

Today let's do another Photo Scavenger Hunt. Since 'tis the season, why don't we make it a Christmas themed one? Take pictures of the following items and complete them with back stories, captures,... 
  1. Coca-Cola Christmas Truck
  2. Beautifully wrapped gift(s)
  3. Ornaments
  4. Stockings
  5. Christmas Tree
  6. Gingerbread Man
  7. Santa
  8. Candle(s)
  9. Fireplace
  10. Cookies
I made a clever move. I had Cookie, our Elf on the Shelf, tell Colin to take the pictures... ;-)

Of course she tagged along for the ride. She loves to get out of the house. It's getting awfully boring when we are all at school or work.

I fully expected to squeeze in a visit to one of the Coca-Cola Truck locations this year, but frankly the schedule is disappointing. Our only opportunity is on the evening of publishing date, so consider this a placeholder. It's a cardboard truck used to display advents calendars at the market.

Whoa, the crowds!! I need an app that makes them disappear from my pictures!

Listen to this while you are reading on:

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. No problem finding (fake) gifts. 

Globus, a high end department store always has the most gorgeous ornaments. This year their most fabulous holiday decoration is the unicorn though.

In case you're more into quantity than quality here's an entire rainbow of ornaments at a more down to earth store:

Stockings are ready and waiting to be filled with treats!

The outdoor rink Christmas tree at the Arena always makes my heart happy. 

My family doesn't appreciate home made gingerbread cookies, so I didn't go through the trouble. Here are some cute porcelain ones instead.

This year is the first time Colin didn't want to meet Santa at the forest. However he didn't mind saying hello to this Lego one.

Advent wreaths with four candles, each to be lit on a Sunday leading up to Christmas, are very traditional around here. (Not for us, though. Who spends their Sundays at home, sipping hot cocoa, munching on cookies and enjoying some candles burning when you can freeze your butt off at some God forsaken ice rink...)

Fireplace was the one assignment that gave me the most trouble. Houses around here don't have the cozy red brick ones with mantles to put decoration on. So I had to dig out this outdoor open fire from a previous village Christmas market.

I made chocolate peppermint cookies! The things blogging prompts force you to do... ;-)

We're only one week into the new month and already I feel pretty festive. How about you? Leave me a comment or link up your own post.

What's next?

December 13 I'd like us to write a Holiday Story using the following ten words: 
  1. Cards
  2. Decoration
  3. Elf
  4. Jolly
  5. List
  6. Miracle
  7. Rudolph
  8. Snowflakes
  9. Traffic
  10. Wrapping paper
Do you feel inspired? Sign up here.

Photo by Leo Cardelli from Pexels, Graphics from

Thursday, December 20 please send 10 Christmas Cards to people who have touched your life throughout this year. Even if you don't send actual cards, just create a post that includes a few words about these wonderful individuals. 
Here's the link to the Facebook event to sign up. 

Photo by George Dolgikh from Pexels

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