American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ vs Canadian πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Mac and Cheese

The other day, on our way to an away hockey game we took a detour to get a few things from the Canadian store. As usual a few turned into two bags full of goodies including Canadian wine from a desert like area, maple roasted peanuts - and KD. 

The owner listened to his customers who asked for Canadian Mac and Cheese instead of the American stuff.

Of course we were intrigued, and I immediately planned a direct comparison. 

It happened today, and I couldn't wait to find out if there was any difference at all, and if yes, how distinctive it was going to be.

The pasta looks exactly the same. The dried cheese mixture bags look and feel completely different. 

Upon reading the instructions, more importantly the measurements, I immediately knew which variety I was going to like better.

Geez! tablespoon butter and 1/3 cup milk versus 4 tablespoons butter and 1/4 cup milk was going to make all the difference, and frankly, this has nothing to do with Canadian or American..!

For metric system folks like myself, a tablespoon equals 14 grams, so times four makes over 50 grams of butter!

No wonder the KD variety looks paler! It's watered down with milk.

When Colin came home for lunch, he was thrilled about the fun experiment and didn't mind the side of veggies too much.

He immediately pointed at the American ones and said "these are the regular ones". Good job! Also taste-wise it was very clear which ones were right.

After selecting the winner, we agreed to mix the two together in order to achieve a somewhat balanced version.

So what I guess is: whatever you grew up with, is normal to you, and Canadians will swear it's KD. 

Maybe at some point I will show you the Swiss version of ChΓ€shΓΆrnli :-)

Do you have a preference? Let me know in the comments below.

PS: If I had you at wine, I am sorry, I haven't tasted it yet. However if "Hockey Game" caught your attention, you didn't come here in vain. Here you go:


  1. Interesting! And so typical that the American version would be much higher in fat, which of course makes it taste better. πŸ˜‰ Sorry, but in our house, we prefer pasta al forno, Italian-style. That's pasta + meat + cheese, baked in the oven.

  2. We always have mac and cheese in the house. Hubby likes to add some tuna and peas to it. I don't mind the tuna but not a fan of the peas (at least not in mac and cheese). He also likes to add more cheese. We like the different shaped ones too although it seems that there are not as many in a box.

  3. Yeah the same food can taste different in differernt countries

  4. We're not a fan of the packet stuff because it always tastes chemically to us, so I always make it from scratch. Packet mac n cheese isn't a big thing in Australia anyway.


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