Montreux Noël

For a couple of years my Mom and I tried to visit a special Christmas Market. We wanted to go beyond local and make it a day trip. We had Bavaria in mind. Or Alsace. But every year there was something stopping us. 

Once she was sick. Then there were these crazy people and / or terrorists in a car ploughing trough a pedestrian area where innocent people wanted to enjoy their mulled wine and Christmas lights. 

And of course Corona happened. 

This year we couldn't cross the border without added travel formalities, but there was this town in the French speaking part of Switzerland I've been wanting to go. The website (and personal experience) said parking was going to be scarce, so I purchased train tickets for the three of us. Yes, three! Colin got an additional week off school due to rising numbers of Corona.

Freddie Mercury greeted us.

Mom was excited about the Ferris wheel. It's 34.5 meters = 113 feet tall. 

In the Lake Geneva area there is a natural phenomenon called bise, a cold, dry wind in Switzerland which blows through the plateau from the northeast to the southwest. It made our day very cold, and we headed to the Canadian booth we had seen earlier. They sold crêpes with maple syrup. 

Too bad I didn't bring my letter for Santa - is there a nicer mail box than this one?

Good thing I met Santa in person. A French speaking Santa, no less. He seemed a little grumpy. I asked him if he liked his job. He was like "if it pleases the people, I'll do it." 

What? One would think that being Santa is a joyful job?

Off we went - the birds seemed happy enough!

The market was open to anyone no matter their vaccination status. As a result there were hardly any indoor sit-down opportunities. Hot beverages were to go only.

Except you want to eat your Swiss cheese specialties in the Chalet. Vaccinated or recovered, and you're in!

Caught a rare moment without any people at the reindeer enclosure.

Need to make a phone call? Not at this booth, though. It is actually a sculpture by Swiss artist, Pascal Bettex. A series of mechanism move a small metallic ball and you get caught up following the ball moving around. It belonged to the creator of the Jazz Festival.

I loved how much attention to detail the booth owners put into decorating their stalls. This one looked like a forrest dweller's house.

Can't miss the candy place on your way home!

Here's a video of our day, check it out:


  1. So much fun! What a treat. Thanks for sharing it. I am so glad we got to be friends this year. I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year. I'll be blogging more next year for sure.


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