Jungle Trek


Deep within the verdant landscape of Western Switzerland lies a sanctuary, a haven for those enchanted by the delicate flutter of butterfly wings. This is the tale of Papiliorama, a realm crafted by the visionary minds of Wissel and Schädelin, pioneers who dared to dream of a sanctuary where creatures of the tropics could thrive amidst the alpine backdrop.

Their journey began in the mists of the 1970s, a time when conservation was still a whisper amidst the cacophony of progress. 

Undeterred, they embarked on a mission, not merely to breed butterflies but to sow the seeds of awareness, to cultivate a profound connection between humanity and the natural world.

As the years unfurled like the wings of a monarch in flight, their vision burgeoned, blossoming into the grandeur of Papiliorama. In 1993, their dream took flight as the gates swung open to reveal a realm unlike any other. Here, within the embrace of a tropical house, visitors are transported across oceans and continents, enveloped by the sights and sounds of equatorial forests.

But Papiliorama is more than just a sanctuary for butterflies. It is a symphony of life, a testament to the intricate tapestry of ecosystems that adorn our planet. Within its verdant embrace, the Nocturama beckons, unveiling the secrets of the night, where nocturnal creatures dance beneath the cloak of darkness.

Yet, perhaps the pièce de résistance of this natural marvel lies in the Jungle Trek. Here, amidst the verdant canopy, adventurers traverse a 7-meter-high panoramic bridge, a gateway to the realm of the treetops. It is a journey that transcends mere observation, immersing visitors in the very essence of the rainforest.

Amongst the emerald foliage, the curious gaze upon the "walking beans," known to science as diapherodes gigantea, a testament to the wonders that abound within these hallowed groves.

In the butterfly dome, where a thousand wings beat in harmonious rhythm, one cannot help but feel a sense of awe, a reverence for the delicate dance of life. Here, amidst the blooms and the butterflies, the soul finds solace, a moment of respite in a world too often besieged by chaos.

And so, as the sun sets on another day in Papiliorama, one cannot help but marvel at the vision of two men who dared to dream. For in the heart of Western Switzerland, amidst the shadows of the Alps, lies a paradise, a sanctuary where butterflies dance and dreams take flight.


  1. What lovely writing!! And that does sound like a paradise. I mean, sort of. I'd be unlikely to visit in person. But I love your pictures!

  2. I love butterflies, and really enjoyed reading about the beautiful butterfly world. Thank you.

  3. WOW I felt like I was walking through the sanctuary! I love all the butterflies and is that a pink spoonbill bird? Looks similar to what we have here. Beautiful, just beautiful

  4. You are a lyrical writer. You also have beautiful photos. What great talent.

  5. Such a beautiful place! Great photos. I love the word "Nocturama"!

  6. I would love to visit this beautiful place.How was the view from atop.the trek?


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