UBC October 2024 - Sheep(ish) Cupcakes

Hello and welcome back to another episode of October's UBC. 

Today, let me share about my day yesterday, I tried to craft it into a modern-day fairy tale:

It was a gloomy Monday morning, and while the fog hung heavy, I used the time to run errands, feeling quite proud of how much I accomplished: Recycling, a trip to the equivalent of Home Depot, grocery shopping, three loads of laundry and lunch.

By the time the sky cleared, the day turned gloriously sunny and warm at 17°C (about 62.6°F), so I headed out for a well-earned walk.

As I strolled along the neighborhood, I was greeted by a lively bunch of sheep. There were both white and black ones, dotting the green field like fluffy clouds and dark shadows. They seemed completely content, enjoying the apples that had fallen from a nearby tree. Every now and then, I heard a cheerful "baaaahaaahaha," Their cheerful calls echoed through the peaceful countryside and were only drowned out by the roaring hum of a combine harvester threshing the forage maize field. 

I stood watching for a moment, charmed by the scene.

Then, remembering not only that it was "National Apple Day", but a social media reel that showed how to make a cake with just melted dark chocolate and apple sauce, an idea sparked. 

I had just stocked up on dark chocolate, but no apples at home. Glancing at the sheep, I thought, "They won’t mind if I borrow a few apples, will they?" So, with a smile, I tiptoed over, snuck in, and helped myself to a couple of apples while the sheep continued their playful "baaaahaaahaha" chorus, seemingly amused by the whole thing.

Back home, I melted the chocolate but decided to tweak the recipe by adding eggs and a bit of sugar. The cupcakes turned out delicious, with every bite reminding me of that sunny afternoon and my woolly, unsuspecting accomplices.

Here's the measurements

250g applesauce (8.82 ounces)

200g dark chocolate 80% cacao (7.05 ounces)

50g whole cane sugar (1.76 ounces)

3 eggs, divided, beat the egg whites until stiff

Line a 12 muffin-tin, divide batter evenly and bake for 18 - 20 minutes at 180°C (356°F)

Each muffin contains about 144 calories:

  • Carbohydrates: 14.4g
  • Protein: 3.1g
  • Fat: 8.3g


PS: Of course I did not steal any apples. Everything else really happened :-) 


  1. What a lovely adventure, faulty tale and mmm - I can almost smell the chocolate muffins!
    I don't use gluten, and bake in my air fryer - muffins are very easy! (Lower the temperature by ~25°, and the tone by 20%)
    Thank you!

  2. What a lovely adventure!
    And I enjoyed your placing it as a fairy tale -
    The muffins sound so good - I need to try them! I eat without gluten, and bake in an air fryer (missions are perfect for that!)
    Thank you!

  3. What a glorious day and I love the applesauce recipe. I didn't know I could make chocolatey things with applesauce. I may make some applesauce in my crock pot especially to bake this recipe. I also giggled aloud at the thought of taking a neighborhood walk and coming upon sheep. How lovely!

  4. These sheepish cupcakes are absolutely adorable! Such a creative and fun way to celebrate the season. I love how the fluffy frosting makes them look so real! #Blogboost

  5. What a lovely fairy tale! Also, congrats on everything you accomplished in just one day!! And if I liked chocolate, I'd be eager to try that recipe.

  6. What a fun day with the sheep and an even better day baking apple brownie cupcakes! I'll have to share this recipe with Lia! She makes apple donuts with 2 ingredients and rolls them in cinnamon and sugar!


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