UBC October 2024 - Word Problems, Hockey Mom Edition

Welcome back and happy Monday!

Every time I sign up for another round of UBC, I consider (and discard) the idea of making it entirely hockey-themed. 

Today let's just do this one post that isn't hockey but sports specific in general. Every soccer, baseball or basketball Mom can relate...

Here's your homework:

Finally a school assignment that has something to do with real life!

The short answer is "stupid o'clock".

Here's how the solution works:

If the hockey game, e.g. the puck drop is at 8am, we need to be there 75 minutes prior, meaning at 6:45am.

The drive is supposed to be 1 hour and 35 minutes? Make that 1 hour 45 minutes to be safe. Therefore we need to leave at 5am.

Colin is gonna wanna have snacks, preferably pasta salad or sandwiches, so on top of having breakfast, I need to make those. Makes 4:15am.

But wait, I need to take a shower! Even if it's a short one, my alarm will go off at 3:45am. 

How's that for stupid o'clock? I actually have one programmed in my phone. 4:15am is as early as I go. 

In any other (earlier) case, I will vote for arrival the evening before, which also involves extra work. You have to find accommodation near the arena and pack an overnight suitcase along with your hockey equipment. 

When Colin played U11, we did this from time to time.

The older the kids get however, the later the games take place. We're arriving at the other end of the spectrum. Our games usually start at 7 or 8pm. Add debriefing and shower plus the drive home, and it's getting mighty late at times. 

It is what it is, right? They're having fun, they're playing a team sport, they're part of a structured organization, and they're staying off screen for a few hours. Win!

Yesterday was an ideal case. We managed to grab dinner with a fellow hockey family and got home early enough to catch the football game. 

Abfahren = Depart

Besammlung = Meeting

Unfortunately, the boys played poorly and lost without scoring a single goal. It was a first for them, and I suppose it falls into the category of character-building life experiences.

The best part was the walk along the lake we took while the players did their warm-up. You can see some footage in the intro of the video:

What is the earliest you had to get up to take your kid(s) to their game / recital / performance?


  1. Such a fun post! Loved the hockey milestone celebration and your take on fall activities. The balance between sports and cozy fall moments is so relatable!

  2. I remember those days well. At one point we had all three sons in hockey and there were some weeks where I was at the arena 3 times a week at 6 a.m. for practice.

  3. Love the practical math problem, Tamera!
    My own was piano, choir or plays - not so early... for my daughter (and us, as a adult dancers/ helpers), ballet - Nutcracker performances at 2 or 7 - and again, time for dressing, hair, helping backstage ....
    My son lives 1 hour and 45 minutes away, and participated with his daughter (she's now 20) - and sometimes stayed in town the performance weekend (5 shows worth 2 matinees) ... but often had to return home to tend the horses, then drive back the next day ...
    My son-in law now coaches cross country - and their 13 year olds are currently in volleyball and cross country ... 🙄

  4. Four am is my earliest. With theatre kids we also have tech week which can last until midnight. Youch.

  5. Love the math problem AND your hike around the lake! It's a win-win for a game and a hike. Our girls were into horse shows and I think the earliest we had to get them up was between 3am-4am. Depending on the location determined the time. They needed time to get the tail and mane braided in the morning but everything else could be done in the evening. Oh the memories you just brought up!


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