Top Ten Thursday - Movie Locations

Welcome to Top Ten Thursday!

Today we're talking about Top Ten Movie Locations! 

Do you even notice what city a movie takes place in? I didn't always, but recently I have become interested. My top ten list includes the following...

The Del (Hotel del Coronado), San Diego, CA: Some Like It Hot

Union Street / West Laurel Street, San Diego, CA: Top Gun

Taylor Street between Clay and Sacramento Street, San Francisco: The Wedding Planner

Grand Canyon: Fools Rush In

Cesar's Palace and The Bellagio, Las Vegas: Rainman and Ocean's Eleven

NYC, Empire State Building: Sleepless in Seattle (haha, I know, Seattle isn't in New York. Well, what can I do...)

2640 Westlake Avenue, Union Lake in Seattle: Sleepless in Seattle (I was talking about it in detail here)

One North Dearborn, Chicago: the Fugitive

Pittsburgh, PA: Flashdance

Chippewa Square, Savannah, Georgia: Forrest Gump

Of course those happen to belong to my favourite movies and / or places! How about you? Any favourite movie locations?

Would you like to join us for next week's Top Ten Challenge? The theme is gonna be "top ten uncomfortable situations", think got my wallet stolen, was stuck in an elevator,... It posts October 20.

Please sign up here or send me a message!

Of course the prompt for October 27 is going to be Top Ten Things I love (or hate) about Halloween - sign up here

But wait! Don't leave just yet - visit my fellow Top Ten Bloggers and see what they came up with! The linky-tool is up, please use it to link up your post!
