Elf on the Shelf, Season 2021 - Episode 2

Last week was the big Elf return week. They arrived in a box with smiley balloons attached, suggested to make gingerbread and attend a comedy show. Cookie and Biscuit - that's what our elves are called - were also kind enough to fix our fake fireplace.

Let's see what they were up to this week!

Grip your sticks, guys! Is it possible that Cookie and Biscuit have a crush on Mariah Carey? At the very least they like her music. I mean, what's not lot love, the woman has a beautiful voice! Anyway, our elves are practicing the drum notations for "all I want for Christmas is you".  

Here's the back story: Colin and I were on our way to hockey practice. It was snowing, and there was quite some traffic. He started to play Christmas songs and noticed I did not have "all I want for Christmas is you" I had a hard time believing it because I am sure I have it. It's on a triple CD full of my favorite Christmas songs. Obviously it did not sychronize onto my phone. Too bad. I rectified the situation though. While he trained, I downloaded it. 

Cookie and Biscuit are hanging out in their stockings, patiently waiting for the things to come. It's a very, *very* rainy kind of day, and one things that has come, is baking. We made Grittibänze and snow-capped chocolate cookies. 

Game day! Earlier this season Colin's team lost to this particular team, and they're seeking revenge! 

So we took Cookie and Biscuit to the arena for moral support.

Worked like a charm, too! The guys played fantastic and won 7:3; check out the recap:

Cookie and Biscuit brought holiday PJs. I have no idea when we're supposed to sleep though. Just found out that due to the canceling of the World University Games, our hockey arena has all those ice units available, and our training schedule has filled up overnight.

Not sure why they felt the need to use stilts - I was under the impression that elves can fly pretty well? Be it as it may... They used festive wrapping paper. Maybe a hint to get going and wrap these gifts already? 

Cookie and Biscuit surprised us with this personalized cereal box this morning. I feel like Colin goes through one of these gigantic boxes every week. A while ago the regular rice crispies disappeared from the Swiss market. Why is that? Do people only eat the sugary ones?

Enjoy your freedom, because it is not to be taken for granted. Other guys bake killer pies behind bars!

This is an inside joke. There is a prison in the next town. Part of their work program is a bakery that provides breads, cakes, cookies, you name it. 
Their Wednesday special is sweet and savory pies. Whenever Colin doesn't have practice, we get ourselves some "killer pies" as we like to call them. And we are grateful that our own baked goods can be made in the free world. 

Cookie and Biscuit brought some prison treats, too: "Lenzburger Gitterstäbli" are chocolate bars, literally looking like bars.

Colin's freedom today includes going to Santa's Market in town with his friends.

Alcatraz Photo by Emiliano Bar on Unsplash

It makes me very happy to see that my teenage boy still enjoys the elves. ❤️ When we started this tradition in 2012, I had no idea we would be doing this way beyond toddlerhood!

And with that, the second week is in the books. Come back next week for more adventures!


  1. Does Colin do any of the moving around of the elves to surprise you and dad? I have no idea how these cute things work. I think it is something my husband would have enjoyed playing with the kids with but I didn't know about them until just a year or so ago and you know my "kids" are adults now.


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