20 Days of Chill - Plan it!

Welcome back to 20 Days of Chill and happy Friday! Today's assignment is to

Plan it!

Plan what? The well deserved vacation I'm supposed to be taking after completing two writing challenges while working more than my contractural hours? 

I'm not even sure I still remember how to do this. Sad truth.

Kiddig aside though. No upcoming trips.

February is going to be a short month. Valentine's Day is no big deal in Switzerland, but there's a cool date coming up:

2/22/22 - which happens to be my husband's birthday. He's not turning 22 years old though ;-)

So I plan to make a cake for him.

My own birthday is a week and a day later, so more cake.

Next up, St. Patrick's Day. Yay!  I hope my bestie and I will manage to get together.

None of these events require serious planning. This all changes when it comes to April. Why?

A - Z, that's why. 

It's going to be my 8th time that I'm participating in this fun writing challenge. How does it work?

  1. You pick a theme.
  2. You sign up on the Master List. This was last year's. The new one will be published here at some point.
  3. You write a reveal post to tell your fellow bloggers what your month will be all about. This is how I announced my topic in 2021.
  4. You write 26 posts, the first being about the letter A in relation to your theme.
  5. Every day (except Sundays) you post and share it on Twitter and / or in the Facebook group.
  6. You visit lots of other writers, make new friends, meet familiar bloggers and have fun.
  7. After the letter Z you may breathe out, but not for long, because in early May you'll write a reflection post about your experience. This was my 2021 reflection post. 

Sounds stressful? It is, but it's also lots of fun. And after all you like a challenge, right?

Every year I pledge to have each and every post pre written, which would allow me to use all my time to visit other blogs. This time I actually started last year! I have a couple of drafts in my folder, and I will use February to (hopefully) complete them.

To be honest, it's less a planning thing than to apply some disciplilne and write every day, just the way I have been doing it this month. I do better with a bit of pressure and instant gratification though. I write, I post, I get comments, that's how I roll best. But the past has shown that I'm able to complete it one way or another.

Will you be part of the journey?

For now I want to thank you for being part of my 20 Days of Chill's journey! I hope you had fun! I sure did!


  1. I'm truly impressed with how you keep up with so many blogging challenges. I couldn't do it or I'd fear I'd burn out again. I do like to try and visit some of the blogs doing the A-Z challenge though as it's nice to find new blogs. I wish you well with that challenge!

  2. Well, Tamara, you pitched the A-Z challenge like a pro ('cause you are one...seven years complete and ready to tackle an eighth?) BUT I'm in PJ's camp on this one...not willing to take it on 'cause burnout. I look forward to following your posts and hope there's more participation this year.

    I recognize that Calgary pic at the start of this post! Those food trucks don't hang out in the downtown much anymore. It's got a crazy high vacancy rate between the extended downturn in oil and gas (starting to turn around now) and COVID. So they now go to community halls and shopping malls!


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