UBC January 2024 - Taking down the Christmas Tree

Have you taken down the Christmas decoration yet?

Generally, getting organized in our house is hard for various reasons:

  • We have too much stuff, especially my husband. He refuses to throw away anything. 
  • We don't have enough space. The only built-in cupboard in our house holds the vacuum cleaner and cleaning supplies.
  • Neighter hubby nor me have the skills necessary to assemble furniture that might help putting away stuff permanently.
  • It's not my favorite pasttime to clean up. Still I make a huge effort to maintain a certain baseline and to declutter every now and then.
  • I'm the only one who cares. We seem to have a classic Neanderthal situation in our family.

So year after year I'm left to clean up after the Holidays, and I hate this job. These baubles are delicate, you can't just throw them in a box and be done. 

When Colin was three years old, he wanted to help. This is what happened:

In theory it shouldn't even take long this year. 

You see the three year old became a teenager who didn't peel any carrots and didn't do anything in the kitchen for our Christmas dinner for that matter. He did, however, decorate our two miniature Christmas trees.

He made sure to keep it simple, so it really shouldn't take long to take the ornaments down.

I'm just so tired. It was my first day back at work this year, and I didn't sleep well. 

I don't even know why I'm writing about it. Nobody, literally nobody cares whether or not our living room get's cleared of the Holiday stuff or not. 

Well, I do. 

I would love to leave the old behind and turn a new page. For some reason I hope there will be a new me on the other side. 

Energetic, motivated and on top of things. 

Coming back to the motto I sort of randomly inherited from Linda - what's working for you today - I'm just gonna leave this here, hit publish and go to sleep soon. 

Tomorrow's gonna be a new day.


  1. I forgot that you had to take down the Christmas tree.

  2. We did not have a tree or decorations. I'm a clutterbug. working on clearing this year.

  3. Our tree and outside decorations are all put away. We have to work on the stable we built and Rich worked on that today, he says we only have 11 months left for put it back up! LOL Seeing little Colin reminded me of when I was about 2-3 years old, my older sister had be crawl under the tree during the night to pull out a package. Yup, it fell over and my sister ran back to the bedroom and blamed it on me. LOL

  4. Aww - get some rest my friend! XO

  5. I connected with your situation. There is always so much going on when our kids are little. But our kids pick up on our enthusiasm (or lack of) for tasks. Cleaning up is not one that is easy to show enthusiasm for. But your teenager learned empathy - that's a big one! He was thoughtful of you and your weariness. He planned ahead and decorated simply. That's a positive. I hope you've settled into your routine for going back to work. Another thing that requires effort and enthusiasm :)


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