A - Z 2024 Reflection Post

And just like that, the month of April, and with that, the 2024 A - Z Challenge, is over and done. 26 letters, 26 posts, actually I even threw in a few extra posts, since I also participated in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, which requires 30 posts..

I participated for the 10th time this year. What was my current A - Z Challenge all about? 

A is for Apple blossoms

B is for Bern's Bear Park

C is for Cherry Blossooms

D is for Ducks

E is for Easter Traditions

F is for Ferris Wheels

G is for (Ms) Gerold's Garden and Guessing Game

H is for Himmelsleiterli aka our local Stairway to Heaven

I is for Impressions

J is for Jungle Trek

K is for Kingfisher

L is for Lake Lucerne and Look, a Lizard

M is for Market 

N is for Neat or Nonsense

O is for Old vs New

P is for Peach Blossoms

R is for Rose Fountains and Rooftop Terraces

S is for Springtime Scents

T is for Tulips 

U is for Upcycled

V is for Vordergeissboden

W is for World Viewers

X is for Xerophytes

Y is for Yin and Yang and Year Rings

Z is for Zen Garden

I wasn't as prepared as other years. Life has been busy, and I only pre-wrote a handful of posts. Since I also have a day job, I didn't get around to visiting a ton of other blogs. 

To be honest, I basically reconnected with my old friends and discovered one new one. I feel like A - Z is fading out. There used to be thousands of participants. This year, only 217 signed up on the Master List. 

Thank you so much for being part of my blogging journey throughout the alphabet. 

Let's keep in touch:


  1. It does seem like a-z is not as popular as before with fewer participants but who actually visit the thousands of people that signed up?

    I was like you, I basically visit the ones I know. It just seems easier. Though I do find my enthusiasm was as present as previous years and so I didn't visit a lot of blogs. Sorry, I missed your posts though I did check out a few of your posts but got a bit too lazy to comment.

    Congrats on finishing the challenge.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. I applaud you for the dedication it takes to blog this regularly with your schedule! 💜

  3. Like you, I didn't visit as many blogs as in previous years. I did write most of my posts in advance, starting as soon as I selected my theme. I had fun and I made a few new friends. But I also think blogging is dying out... Everyone wants snippets, shorts, videos - nothing that takes more than a few seconds to digest. I found myself not taking time to read longer posts except for a couple of blogs. This may be my last year...just not sure.


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